Buon giorno amiche e .........finalmenteeeeeeeee Buona estateeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Dopo tanta pioggia un po' di sole e caldo ci voleva............assolutamente!!!!
E' tempo di ferie, di bagni al mare, di tintarella, di serate in allegria , di anguria e .....................
naturalmente di matrimoni..................e a tal proposito, mi rifaccio viva!!!
......mai aViterbo mi sarei aspettata una richiesta simile, invece.......la mia tenacia è stata premiata e i miei articoli per il matrimonio stanno trovando approvazione ............il mio emporio piace e le richieste arrivano..........ci vuole calma!!!!
Vi presento il mio guestbook per un matrimonio un po' shabby ed al profumo di lavanda..........
Hello friends ......... and finally a nice summer !!!!
After so much rain a bit 'of sun and heat we wanted ............ absolutely !!!!
It 's time to leave, to swim at the beach, sunbathing, funny evenings, watermelon and .....................
of course weddings .................. and in this regard, I refer alive !!!
aViterbo ...... I never would have expected such a request, however ....... my persistence was rewarded and my articles for marriage are finding approval ............ like my store and requests arrive .......... it takes calm !!!!
Meet my guestbook for a wedding a bit 'shabby and the lavander scent!
After so much rain a bit 'of sun and heat we wanted ............ absolutely !!!!
It 's time to leave, to swim at the beach, sunbathing, funny evenings, watermelon and .....................
of course weddings .................. and in this regard, I refer alive !!!
aViterbo ...... I never would have expected such a request, however ....... my persistence was rewarded and my articles for marriage are finding approval ............ like my store and requests arrive .......... it takes calm !!!!
Meet my guestbook for a wedding a bit 'shabby and the lavander scent!
Buon Ferragosto!!!