.......Che adoro le ghirlande è ormai cosa nota a chi mi segue da tanto.........
.....che ogni tanto sperimento nel crearle tecniche diverse........si, anche questo è noto a molti....
.....ma che queste ultime nate, le conservo come un gioiello, questo non lo potete sapere!!!!!!!!!
.......non saprei spiegarne il motivo, ma ogni volta che le guardo mi si illuminano gli occhi, mi sembra che esprimono dolcezza........ed è una cosa che mi hanno detto tutte le clienti.....sono "tenerezza di mamma"!!!!
....rami di viticcio intrecciati, sughero disegnato, ritagliato e dipinto, rafia, tessuti e bottoni, per un piccolo pezzettino di "amore" in cucina!!!
....... What I love garlands is now well known to those who follow me for so .........
..... that sometimes I experience in creating them different techniques ........ you, this is also known to many ....
..... but that they were born, I keep them like a jewel, I do not know you !!!!!!!!!
....... do not know how or why, but every time I look at my eyes light up, it seems to me that express sweetness ........ and it is something that I have said all clients. .... are "tenderness of mom" !!!!
.... branches twisted tendril, cork designed, carved and painted, fabrics and buttons, for a little bit of "love" in the kitchen !!!
..... that sometimes I experience in creating them different techniques ........ you, this is also known to many ....
..... but that they were born, I keep them like a jewel, I do not know you !!!!!!!!!
....... do not know how or why, but every time I look at my eyes light up, it seems to me that express sweetness ........ and it is something that I have said all clients. .... are "tenderness of mom" !!!!
.... branches twisted tendril, cork designed, carved and painted, fabrics and buttons, for a little bit of "love" in the kitchen !!!